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International Relations
Overview of International Study Program

Gifu Pharmaceutical University is committed to exchange programs with overseas universities in order to promote the broad development and further advancement of education and research in pharmaceutical sciences, and through these programs to deepen mutual understanding and promote friendly relations.
In addition to dispatching faculty members to overseas universities, research institutions, and international conferences, we actively promote international exchange activities by accepting researchers from universities around the world, including those with which we have academic exchange agreements. We currently have ten universities on five continents with which we have academic exchange agreements.
Coming from Abroad to Study at Gifu Pharmaceutical University

Gifu Pharmaceutical University welcomes a wide range of international students and research students from overseas. In particular, there are many exchange students, research students, and post-doctoral fellows from overseas university laboratories who are enrolled in Gifu Pharmaceutical University's large course laboratories, and are learning about Japanese pharmaceutical science, with a focus on pharmaceutical research and drug discovery research.
Interaction between Laboratories
Researchers from various countries work in our laboratories for the purpose of studying abroad or collaborative research, and are working hard on their research activities. Here are some examples.
Notice to Prospective International Students
At Gifu Pharmaceutical University, advanced research activities in all natural sciences related to medicine are being conducted on a daily basis. We are looking for a wide variety of people who are interested in studying at our university and participating in research here.
Gifu Pharmaceutical University students who wish to study abroad

At Gifu Pharmaceutical University, a large number of students experience a study abroad period, mainly through language study, and many of the students who complete the doctoral program at the graduate school also experience study abroad periods as post-doctoral fellows at overseas universities. In addition, we have established several short-term study abroad programs for current students, and subsidize short-term study abroad programs at universities in China and the USA, both of which have friendly relations with Gifu Pharmaceutical University.
Exchange program with a Chinese pharmaceutical university
In 1982, the university concluded an academic exchange agreement with the China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing, China (at that time: Nanjing Pharmaceutical Academy), and in 1984, an agreement was also concluded with Zhejiang University College of Pharmacy in Hangzhou, China, which is "a friendship city" of Gifu City. We have been promoting exchange activities with both universities mainly through research presentations by faculty members on mutual visits. In 2011, a new exchange program was started with students accompanying the faculty members on their visits, including mainly students from Japan and China.